Digital Humanities Forum at the European Parliament

The Digital Humanities Forum titled "Humanities in the digital age: Securing innovation and empowering democracy" will be held on April 26, 2023, at the European Parliament. The event is organized by the STOA panel vice-chair MEP Ivars Ījabs, assisted by the head of DHELI project, ILFA leading researcher Sanita Reinsone in cooperation with DARIAH-EU and CLARIN ERIC research infrastructures. The forum will feature distinguished speakers from various institutions, including Normunds Grūzītis, a leading researcher at the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences of the University of Latvia.
In Session 1: Digital Humanities and Democracy, the Chair will be Ivars Ijabs, MEP and STOA Vice-Chair. The session will feature the following speakers:
In Session 2: Digital Humanities: Navigating New Frontiers in Education and Science, the Chair will be Sanita Reinsone, researcher at the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art, University of Latvia. The session will feature the following speakers:
The event will conclude with a special talk on the '' and '' initiatives of the European Parliament, given by a representative of the DG COMM.