Chronicle of events
The special issue of the Scopus-indexed journal LETONICA focusing on digital humanities in Latvia is published. Editors: Sandis Laime (ILFA) and Anda Baklāne (NLL)
Anda Baklāne (NLL) participates in the 8th Estonian Digital Humanities Conference "Shifts in language and culture: computational approaches to variation and change" giving a presentation "Semantic Domains of Fire and Ice in Latvian 20th-Century Poetry: Comparison of Manual Annotation of Metaphors and word2vec Word Associations".
10th international conference "Human Language Technologies - the Baltic Perspective" takes place
The final seminar of the project “Digital Resources for Humanities: Integration and Development” takes place at the National Library of Latvia
The workshop "Digital Resources for Linguists" takes place. It is jointly organized by the University of Latvia's Institute of Latvian Language and the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences.
Ieva Ančevska (LiepU) participates in the European Researchers' Night 2022 event "Open Faculty of Humanities and Arts" at Liepāja University. Digital resources for humanities presented.
Inguna Skadiņa (MII) participates in the anniversary conference of the University of Latvia "Challenges of the Era: Environment, Security, Inclusion", giving a presentation "Latvian Language in the Digital Era".
Ieva Ančevska (LiepU) participated in the conference "Prehistoric, ancient and medieval medicine: new perspectives and challenges for the twenty first century" with the presentation "Healing places in Latvian healing tradition – throughout history and nowadays".
The 4th Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities was organised by the LNB, LU LFMI and LU MII, theme was "Essentials of News Data Mining". The summer school programme is available here.
LiepU under the leadership of Ieva Ančevska organised a folklore and ethnography data collection fieldwork and a summer school in Pāvilosta.
Representatives of the
and the LNB (Baiba Saulīte, Roberts Darģis, Normunds Grūzītis, Ilze Auziņa, Kristīne Levāne-Petrova, Lauma Pretkalniņa, Laura Rituma, Pēteris Paikens, Artūrs Znotiņš, Laine Strankale, Kristīne Pokratniece, Ilmārs Poikāns, Guntis Barzdins, Anda Baklāne, Valdis Saulespurēns) participated in the 13th Edition of its Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
in Marseille (France) with a poster presentation "Latvian National Corpora Collection
The conference programme is available here.
RTA organised the international conference "Regional Languages in Education: from Literature towards Literacy". The conference programme is available here.
Presentations by project participants:
- Antra Kļavinska (RTA) "Korpuspratība latgaliešu valodas mācību procesā: īpašvārdu apguves iespējas";
- Angelika Juško-Štekele (RTA) "Korpuspratības iespējas folkloras izpratnes diagnostikā Latgales kultūrtelpā"
- Sanita Martena (RTA) "Place-based education: kod pogosts kliust par vuiceibu klasi i korpuss – par pogostu".
LU LFMI in collaboration with RTU organised a seminar "Public spaces: new forms of digital discourse(?)" by Stuart Dunn.
More about the seminar here.
The 28th Biennial AABS Conference“Baltic Studies at a Crossroads” session "Digital Humanities and Language Technology" was attended by:
- Valts Ernštreits (LU Lībiešu institūts ) "Digital Resources in the Service of the Livonians – an Indigenous People of the Baltics";
- Normunds Grūzītis (LU MII) "Latvian Language Resources for Cross-Lingual Language Technology and Digital Humanities";
- Sanita Reinsone, Sandis Laime (LU LFMI) "On History and Development Perspectives of the Digital Archive of Latvian Folklore ''";
- Jānis Daugavietis, Ilona Kunda, Ance Kristāla, Agnese Karlsone (LU LFMI) "Who created the Latvian DH tools and resources and why?".
The session "Activizing heritage through digitalization, exhibition, and interdisciplinary research" was attended by Anda Baklāne (LNB) with presentation " Digital research services at the National Library of Latvia: from digital collections to data mining ".
The session "Digital Resources and Tools for Humanities and Social Sciences: Latvia" was attended by:
- Normunds Grūzītis (LU MII) "Language resources & processing tools:,,,";
- Sanita Martena (RTA) "Latgalian corpora:,";
- Valts Ernštreits, Gunta Kļava (LU Lībiešu institūts) "Cluster of digital resources for Livonian language and culture:";
- Anda Baklāne (LNB) "Latvian Prose Counter:";
- Sandis Laime (LU LFMI) "Digital Archive of Latvian Folklore:";
- Sanita Reinsone (LU LFMI) "Citizen science and crowdsourcing platform:";
- Sanda Rapa (LU LaVI) "Digital platform for a collaborative collection of regional words:".
LU LFMI and LU Lībiešu institūts hosted the session of the 80th International Conference of the University of Latvia "Language and Culture in the Digital Age / Valoda un kultūra digitālajā laikmetā" (video). Session was attended by several DH VPP participants:
- Inguna Skadiņa ( LU MII ) "Latvian language in the digital age: recent steps towards digital language equality";
- Valts Ernštreits ( LU Lībiešu institūts ) "What digital technologies does the Livonian need?";
- Everita Andronova, Anna Frīdenberga, Lauma Pretkalniņa, Renāte Siliņa-Piņķe, Elga Skrūzmane, Anta Trumpa, Pēteris Vanags (LU MII and LU LaVI) " The pains and gains of modernization of the Corpus of early written Latvian ‘SENIE’ ";
- Milda Ona Dailidėnaitė (LU Lībiešu institūts) "Livonian jussive and concession";
- Haralds Matulis (LU LFMI) "Categorization of diaries by their length: number of years, entries count, entries length";
- Ieva Kaija Ozola (LiepU) "From handwriting to digital media: the maze of students' works".
The 28th international academic conference "Current issues in research of literature and culture" was attended by Eva Eglāja-Kristsone, Zita Kārkla (LU LFMI) with the presentation "Ģeogrāfiskā telpa, digitālā kartēšana un sieviešu rakstniecības vēsture" (video) and Ieva Ančevska (LiepU) with the presentation "Izdzīvošanas spēks un dzīves vērtības Liepājas Universitātes folkloras arhīva dzīvesstāstos" (video). Programme.
In the discussion “Open Science in Latvia” Sanita Reinsone (LU LFMI) told about the iniciative.
- Discussion video.
The 6th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference was attended by several DH VPP participants:
- Anda Baklāne, Valdis Saulespurēns (LNB) with presentation "Detection of the target domain of conceptual metaphors in Latvian poetry: exploring the effectiveness of Word2vec and BERT models";
- Haralds Matulis, Sanita Reinsone, Ilze Ļaksa- Timinska (LU LFMI)
with presentation
"Automatic Detection of Dates in the Corpus of Diaries";
- Jānis Daugavietis (LU LFMI) with presentation "Building Latvian DH tools and resources: Rationale and typical practices";
- Everita Andronova, Anna Frīdenberga, Lauma Pretkalniņa, Renāte Siliņa-Piņķe, Elga Skrūzmane, Anta Trumpa, Pēteris Vanags (LU MII and LU LaVI) with presentation "User-friendly search possibilities for the early Latvian texts: challenges posed by automatic conversion";
- Milda Dailidėnaitė, Valts Ernštreits, Gunta Kļava (LU Lībiešu institūts) with presentation "Latvian prefixes in Livonian and digital tools to sort them out".
- Programme.
- Book of abstracts.
Inguna Daukste-Silasproģe (LU LFMI) with presentation ""Rakstīšana ir daļa no elpošanas": ieskats dzejnieces Annas Dagdas dienasgrāmatās" took place in the conference XXXII Zinātniskie lasījumi of Faculty of Humanities of University of Daugavpils.
Baiba Saulīte and Ilze Auziņa (LU MII) took place in the CLARIN-LV seminar "Latviešu valodas teksta un runas korpusi vietnē".
Sanita Reinsone (LU LFMI) with lection "Pūļiesaiste jeb digitālā līdzdalība" as the lecturer took place in the educational program "Open science and scientific communication" of the National Library of the Latvia.
Anda Baklāne (LNB) with keynote presentation "Digital Humanities Network in Latvia: Organizations, Initiatives, and Resources" and Sanita Reinsone (LU LFMI) with presentation "Participatory digital heritage: values, meanings, and practices" took place in the conference "Theatrum Libri: The Press, Reading and Dissemination in Early Modern Europe"
Uldis Balodis (LU Lībiešu institūts) with presentation "The Lutsi Primer: A Tool for South Estonian Language and Culture Revival in eastern Latvia" took place in the conference "A nyelvjárások írott formái – hagyomány, helyzetkép és fejlesztési lehetőségek = The tradition, the state of art and the future possibilities of the written dialects".
Elvīra Kalniņa (LU Lībiešu institūts) took place in student scientific conference of UL "INITIUM" with presentation" Lībiešu frazeoloģismi 1942. gada “Ūž Testament” tulkojumā ".
Sanita Reinsone (LU LFMI) with keynote presentation "Creating a New Autobiography Collection: Digital Archiving and Public Involvement" took place in SAMLA international conference of the University of Bergen in Norway.
International Research Conference of the Latvian Academy of Culture: “Cultural crossroads XV” was attented by Ieva Ančevska (LIepU) with presentation "Tautas ārstniecības materiāli Liepājas Universitātes studentu folkloras vākumos: īpašās vērtības un aktuālie atradumi" (in seminar format).
Elvīra Kalniņa (LU Lībiešu institūts) and Madara Eversone (LU LFMI) took part in the 8th Baltic Student Conference “Bridges in the Baltics”. Participants of DH VPP gave presentations: "Livonian phraseology in “Ūž Testament” 1942 edition" and "Travel Map of Soviet Latvian Writers (the 70s and 80s of the 20th century)".
Valts Ernštreits (LU Lībiešu institūts) with presentation "Livonian as a source for better understanding Baltic languages: opportunities and challenges" and Normunds Grūzītis (LU MII) with keynote presentation "Latviešu valodas resursu integrācija daudzvalodu datu kopās" took part in the conference "XIII Starptautiskais baltistu kongress".
Participants of DH VPP, Normunds Grūzītis (IMCS, UL) and Marina Platonova (RTU), took part in the conference dedicated to the State Language Day “State language – it is a verb. The state language for the 21st century Latvia”. It was a discussion about the Latvian language in the digital environment in the context of European languages. The conference programme can be viewed here, where you can also see the questions discussed in each part of the conference.
From the end of July to the beginning of August, the UL Livonian Institute organised the Livonian Summer University (LSU 2021) in cooperation with the University of Tartu. A number of workshops were held, focusing on digital humanitarian resources, databases and the development of digital tools.
Rēzekne Academy of Technologies performed fieldwork in Aglona together with foreign cooperation partners for five days. The task was to have recordings of Latgalian – both from young people and the elderly. Audio recordings were made on dictaphones and the topics of the audio content were multifaceted: traditions, rules for giving personal names and naming livestock, education and language policy, etc. Overview of the fieldwork on YouTube.
CLARIN Latvia conference "Latvian Language Digital Resources and Tools for Education" was organised by IMCS UL, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (AiLab). You can read more here.
- CLARIN conference programme.
The conference "Young Researchers' Day" organized by LU LFMI took place on the Zoom platform. It was attended by doctoral students with various lecture topics.
Conerence programme here.
Liepāja University folklore joint deciphering work. The Folklore Materials Archive of Liepāja University contains collections of folklore practices submitted by 310 students, which were collected from 1989 to 2020.
With the support of VPP project “Digital Resources for Humanities: Integration and Development” (No.VPP-IZM-DH-2020/1-0001) these folklore materials are digitized and published online in the digital archive of the Latvian Folklore Repository
The materials of Liepāja University students are arranged in 27 collections, where 24753 folklore items have been registered, which have already been placed in the digital archive
Read more here.
Post-proceedings for the 5th Conference Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN 2020) have been published. Editors of the publication were Sanita Reinsone; Inguna Skadiņa; Jānis Daugavietis; Anda Baklāne.
- Anda Baklāne (LNB), Sanita Reinsone (LU LFMI) – Preface Virtualization of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 5th Conference;
- Jāņa Daugavieša (LU LFMI) – Places of Joy and Worries: Rīga Port Neighbourhoods in Facebook Photo Posts;
- Valta Ernštreita un Guntas Kļavas (LU Lībiešu institūts) – Taking the Livonians into the Digital Space;
- Ulda Bojāra, Anitas Rašmanes un Anitas Goldbergas (LNB) – Linked Data for Digital Humanities Scholars and Researchers: “Rainis and Aspazija” (RunA) Collection.
For the first time the 36th International Finno-Ugric Students' Conference took place in Latvia (online), UL Livonian Institute was not only one of the organising institutes, but also took part in the readings. Milda Ona Dailidėnaitė: Indirect imperatives in Livonian and Latvian folk songs; Annija Lazdiņa: The collection of Livonian place names by Pētõr Damberg (1909–1987); Elvīra Kalniņa: Livonian phraseology in the New Testament's ("Ūž Testament") 1942 edition.
The second episode for the "Digital Humanities Series" has been published. Anda Baklāne, Kristina Papule, Iveta Daugule-Balode and other representatives of the National Library of Latvia acquaint the audience with the digitalisation of periodicals at the National Library of Latvia.
"Digital resources for region uniqueness discovery, education and culture". During the Digital Week 2021 (On March 24, 15:00–17:00), a demonstration seminar took place, which was virtually attended by more than 110 participants. In the public seminar, researchers demonstrated the use of digital resources in the humanities for a variety of purposes.
- Video recording of the demonstration seminar on YouTube.
- Facebook event.
A YouTube channel for has been created. Videos related to digital humanities in Latvia and abroad will be posted there.
The first video on the channel is "Computer analysis and visualization of text", which is the first episode from the "Digital Humanities Series". In the video National Library of Latvia invites everyone to listen to the researcher Anda and programmer Valdis talk about computer text analysis.
During the Liepāja University 27th international conference "Current issues in research of literature and culture" the digital humanities panel "Digital Resources of the Humanities: Experience and Cooperation" took place on March 10 from 14:00 until 16:30. Duritng the online conference participants of the DRH-ID introduced the participators with their research.
From 17:00 until 19:00 a demonstration seminar and discussion on the wider use of digital resources in the humanities.
In the demonstration part, the creators of digital resources of the humanities demonstrated examples and possibilities of resource use.
During the discussion, professionals from various fields, policy makers and other experts were invited to exchange views and generate ideas on cooperation directions and opportunities for wider use of digital resources.
- The playlist of the presentations on YouTube.
- Facebook event.
Research Sanita Reinsone of UL ILFA gave a public lecture at Paul Stradins Museum of the History of Medicine. The title of the lecture was "Public Involvement in the Creation of Digital Collections: An Example of a Latvian Folklore Repository".
At the meeting of regional partners organized by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, UL ILFA researcher Sanita Reinsone informed about the VPP DRH-ID seminar "Digital resources for region uniqueness discovery, education and culture", which will take place on March 24.
UL ILFA researcher participated in the seminar "Sentiment Analysis in Literary Studies" organized by the University of Graz and Austria CLARIN.
A guest lecture course "Introduction to Digital Humanities" is held at RTU in cooperation with Linnaeus University.
UL ILFA organizes a seminar for the editors of the digital archive, wher also representatives from LiepU and RTA participated.
Researchers of the Latvian Language Institute of the University of Latvia Liene Markus-Narvila and Sanda Rapa participated in the seminar “Linguistic and cultural diversity: exploreAT!”, where they also advised Georg Weinberger, a student at the UGraz University of Technology, on the development of their master's thesis “Development of a User Interface for an Existing Spatial Linked Data Approach for Dialect Data” and at the same time identified the main principles of digitization of dialect texts and development of an electronic dictionary of place names.
In cooperation with CLARIN Latvia, a practical seminar on registration of resources in the CLARIN repository was held.
Researcher of UL Livonian institute Valts Ernštreits presented during the third virtual Zemgale Kreevins' conference "The Baltic-Sea Finns in Latvia" (Lithuania–Latvia).
Virtual visits to DH institutions – UL ILFA, RTU, IMCS UL, LNB, UL LI, RTA. (Deliverable No. D3.2.5.)
Researcher of UL Livonian institute Valts Ernštreits held the presentation "Digital resources developed by the University of Latvia Livonian Institute" during the autumn seminar "Soome-ugri keelekogud, korpused ja andmebaasid meie asutuses". (Deliverable No. D4.1-1-SU seminar).
- Eesti Keele Instituut soome-ugri seminar “Soome-ugri keelekogud, korpused ja andmebaasid meie kasutuses”.
- Seminar programme.
Lecture by the leading researcher of UL ILFA Sanita Reinsone "How to Engage –". (Deliverable No. WP5-1).
LNB organised a seminar "Workshop on text mining in digital libraries" in cooperation with NordPlus project. Representatives from the Estonian and Lithuanian National Libraries, the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art of the University of Latvia and Umeå University also participated.
Researchers of UL Livonian institute Valts Ernštreits and Gunta Kļava participated in the international conference "Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries" (DHN2020) with a report "Taking the Livonians into the Digital Space".
(Deliverable No. D4.1-2-DHN2020 presentation.)
LNB, UL ILFA and UL IMCS organised the international conference "Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries" (DHN2020).
(Deliverable Nr. D4.2-1-DHN2020 conference.)
UL Livonian institute seminar "Digital Approaches to Endangered Language Communities: A Nordic Perspective" during the DHN2020 conference.
(Deliverable Nr. D4.2-2-DHN2020 workshop.)
Lecture by the leading researcher of UL ILFA Sanita Reinsone "Crowdsourcing in Practice: Digital Archives of Latvian Folklore" during the seminar on the digital involvement of the public in deciphering manuscripts organized by the Swedish Institute for Language and Folklore.
(Deliverable Nr. D3.2.2.)
UL ILFA seminar.
(Deliverable Nr. D3.2.1.)
Researchers of UL Livonian institute Valts Ernštreits and Gunta Kļava participated in the annual conference Foundation for Endangered Languages (FEL24) with a paper sharing their experience with Livonian language teaching and acquisition.
Information about the project
The project “Digital Resources for Humanities: Integration and Development” is implemented within the framework of the National Research Programme "Digital Resources of the Humanities"
- Project No: VPP-IZM-DH-2020/1-0001
- Implementation period: 05.10.2020.–04.10.2022.
- Project funding: EUR 1,217,700
- Funded by: Latvian Council of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science
- Project partners: Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art of the University of Latvia, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Latvia, University of Latvia (UL Livonian Institute and Latvian Language Institute of the University of Latvia), Rēzekne Academy of Technologies, Liepaja University, Latvian Academy of Culture, Riga Technical University, National Library of Latvia.
Contacts: [email protected]
Project leader: Sanita Bērziņa-Reinsone
The DRH-ID project aims to provide a balanced and diverse programme in order to (1) provide support for the development of the existing digital resources and tools intended for humanities avoiding uneven development and enhancing their usage in research and education; (2) prevent fragmentation and unnecessary duplication by establishing of productive alliances between institutions that aggregate similar data; (3) ensure wider visibility and public access and provide a solution facilitating interdisciplinary crosswalks among the developed resources for humanities; (4) analyze use and users of digital resources in order to understand the effectiveness of digital resources and ways how to improve their usability for different target groups; (5) advance digital humanities (DH) research and education in Latvia and (6) provide guidance for developers of digital resources and tools for humanities, policymakers, researchers, and other target groups. In order to achieve these aims, the project brings together leading research, higher education, and cultural institutions that develop digital resources and tools for humanities research and carry out DH educational programmes and research in Latvia. During 24 months, five interinstitutional working groups will carry out a targeted and balanced agenda that will considerably promote the development and usage of humanities’ digital resources and tools and will provide a remarkable impact on the development of digital humanities in Latvia.