Stuart Dunn's online seminar on methodological pluralism

There will be two seminars on 27th November and 11th December, 2:30 PM - 4 PM EET (12:30 PM - 2 PM GMT).
The first seminar will be dedicated to - Methodological Pluralism: Study Design and Implementation from the Social Sciences to DH.
How do you design a research project in the Digital Humanities (DH)? This is a far more diffuse and abstract question than one might encounter in more “conventional” branches of the humanities, and certainly more so than would come across in the social sciences, where study design practice is, more or less, a discipline in its own right. This lecture will look at some of these practices, and consider how they can (and can’t) translate to the domain of DH. How can we use the lessons of other domains to bring nuance and greater rationalization to the distinction between qualitative and quantitative data (or indeed knowledge)? I will use as my starting point an old blog post that I wrote addressing this question, and go on to illustrate some possible answers from the more recent Routledge International Handbook of Research Methods in Digital Humanities (2020), of which I was co-editor.